Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Piz Gloria

What a morning we had! First the cable car rides, and then the spectacular views. It got cooler the higher we went, but it was quite hot already in the valley when we left. They have turned the top of the mountain into a 360 degree, turning to see all the views, restaurant that features highly the scenes from the 1969 James Bond movie. Here's a link if you'd like more information. They have thought of every little touch. Even the bathrooms have 007 lines from the movies piped over a speaker system, and Bond girls were in my bathroom, in silhouette, on every door. I don't know what was inthe men's room. Out on what was the helicopter pad, there were props and information kiosks.
and the decor was not changed at all.
We had James Bond's preferred champagne with brunch. (Of course) The meal itself was much more American style than any of our breakfasts so far. (For example, it had hot meats and eggs, in addition to the cold meats and cheeses I had been seeing) There were a lot of options, and even the cappuccino was fancy.

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