Thursday, July 30, 2009

Theme Thursday - BUTTON

When teaching the very young, we learn that the keyboard is made up of patterns. A group of three black keys is followed by a group of two black keys, all the way up the piano. I call the group of two the "Doghouse" and "Doggy D" lives in the doghouse. In the very middle of the piano is a group of two black keys. It is often centered right under the brand name of the piano, it's easy to find.

I ask the little ones to line up their belly BUTTON with Doggy D. Many times, I've been flashed. "Hey!", they say, "I have a belly button!" Working with little ones always makes me laugh. Here's an inspirational story about a little one that's far past finding "Doggy D". Peace.


  1. Ha! They can be so unself-consciously funny, it's marvelous.

  2.! I love the part where Emily says she's "just a normal kid". Too, the comopsing of the piece for her mentor. Outstanding and touching. Great theme take, Chris!

  3. Nice interpretation of the theme. I would expect nothing less from a musician.

  4. This was just lovely and I remember seeing this little thing on TV recently. She's not in the least bit precocious and a rare talent. We'll be watching to see where she goes. Lovely post. Your passion for music and teaching is palpable.

  5. Very cool! Always wanted to learn myself... :)

  6. Fun! I've talk piano lessons, too....never intigrated the belly button into it though! :)

  7. ha. i can totally see this happening...something i would have done...

  8. Heh, heh! "Doggy D"? That almost sounds like a rap dj! Get down with Doggy D!

    That Emily is amazing, but then these people do exist. I grew up with two gifted musicians who were playing professional level concerts and composing in elementary school. They're unknown now because I think the pressure on them, mostly from their parents and their teachers, was enormous, and they finally broke down under it. I commend Emily's parents for keeping such a level head about the situation.

  9. I love music and it is indeed my passion. I always get fascinated by musically gifted children whom at a very young age can simply touch a life and probably change it through their compositions and music. I admire them for having the courage to let the world know how professional, lovable and interesting they can be. I'm so proud of Emily; your 'mentors' would have been so grateful and so touched by your accomplishments, masterpieces and works of art.
    Thanks for sharing this kind of post - such an inspiration. Please also continue posting relevant and related piano teaching tips and resources on your blog. All the best and more power to you. I'll surely keep coming back.

  10. Little kids are so funny. Sounds like you make sure the have fun while learning.

  11. very nice. maybe if someone tried teaching me to play that way, i would have actually learned something about playing the piano :)

  12. Amazing little gal!!!

    What a clever way to teach the little ones!

  13. The best teachers make learning fun. Congratulations

  14. What Dreamhaven said.



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